2024 Canadian Shield Bikepacking Summit

what's happening

each day.

Meet passionate bikepackers

Level up your bikepacking skills

Friday May 24

Day one of the summit will bring participants together for a social evening.

Summit agenda

Documentary Screening: Slow Lane
Slow Lane by Alexa Fay

Start the weekend off with a screening of the documentary Slow Lane. This documentary follows the adventures of Pierre Bouchard and Janick Lemieux, a couple of nomadic cyclists who have travelled more han 250,000km since 1990.

Participant Arrival & Registration
Chris Panasky

Participants can begin to arrive any time after 5pm. Sign waivers, collect swag bags and set up their camping spots.

Saturday May 25

Day two of the summit will bring together participants through group rides, ice breaker activities and engaging presentations.

Bike Show & Tell +
Food, Beer, Music
All Presenters

Take some time to walk around, check out the bikes of the presenters at the Canadian Shield Bikepacking Summit and ask all the questions that come to your mind.

The DJ will come on at 8pm.

Optional Group Ride
No ride leaders

Make the most of your time in this pristine region and get out for another ride.

Keynote Speaker: A YouTube Journey: Navigating the terrain as a solo creator.
Robert Biron a.k.a. Salty Beard

Super stoked to have Robert come down from the Vancouver Island to share with use about creating YouTube content, how to better film oneself when solo bikepacking and much, much more.

Break time

45 minutes to grab some coffee, have a snack, and chat with other participants, presenters and sponsors.

Presentation #2: What Could Go Wrong and How to Fix it
Carl Presseault

I'm so stoked to have Carl presenting again this year, as his knowledge on bike maintenance is second to none. Last year he shared all the tips and tricks one could wish for to make the perfect tool kit. This year he will take us through useful tips and tricks to make unfortunate breakdowns a less stressful thing to deal with.

Lunch break

Grab some food from the restaurant, chill with new friends or head into town for a quick bike. The options are endless.

Presentation #1: Leaving Everything To Go Bikepacking: Insights from someone who made the leap
Louise Philipovitch

Having taken part in some ultra-distance challenges, such as the Wendigo Ultra 200km race or the Westfjord Way Challenge (1000km) and went on many bikepacking adventures in Canada, Europe and Morocco, Louise has a huge amount of knowledge for you to tap into.

Welcome Speech & Icebreaker Activity
Chris Panasky

A few words from the event organizer and a fun get-to-know-you activity so you can learn more about the other participants.

Coffee/breakfast break

Post bike ride.
Coffee, change, breakfast...
Meet other participants, chat with presenters and engage with event sponsors.

Group Ride
Ride Leaders TBD

For those that arrived early in the morning, event registration will begin at 6:30am.

Start your day on the bike, choosing between a picturesque gravel ride along the Gatineau River or a more jaunt into the Gatineau Park, mixing things up with doubletrack and singletrack.

Sunday, May 26

Day three of the summit will help solidify new friendships through more group rides, presentations and prizes from the sponsors.

Closing remarks and prize draws
Chris Panasky

A short thank you speech followed by prize draws before the event officially comes to a close.


Grab some coffee, have a snack, and chat with other participants, presenters and sponsors.

Presentation #5: Choosing the Right Setup for Your Adventure
Dominick Menard

More details to follow

Gear Swap

In the spirit of growing the bikepacking community and to help those newer to the sport to get the necessary kit to have the best adventure possible, we will set up some tables where participants can buy and sell used bikepacking gear.


Grab some food from the restaurant, chill with new friends or head into town for a quick bike. The options are endless.

Presentation #4: Embrace Discomfort
Eliane Trudeau

More details to follow

Presentation #3: How to Harness the Power of Failure for Growth and Learning
Louis-Phillippe Landry

More details to follow

Coffee/breakfast break

Post bike ride.
Coffee, change, breakfast...
Meet other participants, chat with presenters and engage with event sponsors.

Group Ride
Ride Leaders TBD

Start your day on the bike, choosing between a picturesque gravel ride along the Gatineau River or a more jaunt into the Gatineau Park, mixing things up with doubletrack and singletrack.

Get inspired by the industry greats.

Made for the best experience.

We're passionate about making sure your summit experience is the best it can be. So whether you're looking to learn tips and tricks to make your upcoming adventure a success, or just want to network with like-minded individuals, this summit is the perfect place for you.

As passionate bikepackers, we are doing out part to grow a diverse and inclusive bikepacking community, that is free from discrimination and bias.

Thank you for coming along on this journey and being a part of its growth.

Decades of experience
Six speakers in the lineup
Two days of speakers
Six live workshops
Buy tickets
Buy Tickets

We've got the answers for your questions

How many speakers are there?

Bikepackers, start your engines! We have six speakers coming to share their passion throughout this summit. From bikepackers to bike tourers and racers, these speakers will get your gears turning and provide you with plenty of food for thought. So whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started in the sport, this summit is sure to make you want to jump on your bike.

What will happen at the summit?

We've put the utmost effort possible to provide as much variety as possible throughout the summit. With morning and afternoon group rides, ice breaker activities to get to know one another, presentations covering a plethora of bikepacking related topics and a chance to make new friends and interact with sponsors.

Will the group rides have ride leaders?

Our goal remains to have ride leaders for the Gatineau Park and gravel biking options. We will also put together the routes and share the GPX files for those that want to have a look at them ahead of time.

Will camping be an option?

There will be the option to camp at Centre Vorlage for the nights of May 24th and 25th. It is important to know that showers won't be available on location, but that there are washrooms available on location where you can give yourself a wipe-down. There is also the option to ride into town (less than a km) and jump into the river for a rinse.