


Louise is a long-distance bike tourer, bikepacker and photographer that likes to share the stories of her travels through the images she captures along the way.

After exploring Quebec and British Columbia by bikepacking, Louise spent 6 months on her bike crossing several mountain ranges in Europe and Morocco. As an endurance sports enthusiast, she has completed a few long-distance cycling challenges, including the GravelMan Mont Blanc, the Wendigo Fatbike Ultra 200km and the Cycling Wesfjord Way Challenge (1000km in Iceland). Through the lens of her camera, she shares the story of the territories she travels through and of the people she meets along the way.

Home base:
Montreal, Quebec
Panorama Katahdin Carbon Gravel Bike Panorama Torngat Ti Fatbike
Panorama, Arkel, Blivet

Fun Facts

1. For me, the most important thing is to go for it, even if you don't have all the latest equipment. One of my best trips was with a bike that wasn't suited at all for the rugged terrain - it was literally falling apart! And yet, my mind is filled with good memories of this adventure.

2. I don't mind riding in the rain, in the cold, hike-a-bike, sleep-deprived, but I must have snacks on my bike. Give me candies and I can ride all day long!

3. I got into photography through cycling, as I bought my first camera for a 6-month bikepacking trip. And now it's one of my main passions!